According to Mississippi’s legislative web site, Representative Andy Gipson of has sponsored House Concurrent Resolution 11 (HC 11) urging the US Congress to allow states to observe Year-Round DST. This is a more appropriate action than last year’s bill from Senator Russell Jolly which proposed to simply go on Year-Round DST. That action is not […]
West Virginia Bill Corrects DST Language
State Senator Craig Blair of West Virginia is the sponsor of a bill relating to DST, though its only purpose is to correct the old language that remains in the state’s statutes.
Massachusetts Bill Would Study Impact of Time Zone Change
Massachusetts has a bill filed in September 2015 that would commission a study of the impact of changing the state’s time zone from Eastern Time to Atlantic Time. Normally I search pretty rigorously for phrases relating to “daylight saving time” and “time zone”, but I’ve missed any reference to this bill, until today. The bill […]
Podcast – First Legislative Summary of 2016
The first Legislative Summary podcast of 2016 is now online, highlighting 6 bills in 4 states. You can view the podcast feed, or play it from the podcast web site.
Missouri Bill Proposes to Eliminate DST
HJR 71 sponsored by Representative Jason Chipman is entitled “Proposes a constitutional amendment that establishes provisions eliminating the use of daylight saving time “. While the bill’s title is certainly appealing to us here at Time Zone Report, the full text of the bill was not available on the Missouri House’s web site when we […]
State Legislature Start and End Dates for 2016
I was curious about start and end dates of this year’s state legislatures — and thought some of you might be too. There’s an organization called MultiState Associates, Incorporated that offers lobbying and government relations services, both at the federal level and the state level. They also provide a variety of free resources for people […]
Utah Bill to Exempt State from DST
Time Zone Report learned today that Representative Fred Cox is the chief sponsor of House Bill 65 entitled “Exemption from Daylight Saving Time”, to be considered in the state’s 2016 general session.
Pardon Our Mess!
The Time Zone Report’s web site may look a little sloppier than usual during the month of December, while we re-arrange things moving into the 2016 legislative season. You’ll notice the “Status By State” menu now says “Status By State – 2016”, and the information that was present for the 2015 calendar year has moved […]
Oregon Citizen Wants to End DST
A web article from KDRV ABC 12 TV out of Medford, Oregon highlights the efforts of a citizen to abolish DST in the state.
Michigan’s Representative Peter Lucido Makes a Second 2015 DST Bill for the State
An article on the Michigan Capital Confidential web site mentions a new bill introduced in Michigan, HB 4986, which proposes to abolish DST in the state while also asking the governor to request the US DOT to move the state to the eastern time zone. This bill is slated for the current 2015 legislative session.