Time Zone Report

Following Daylight Saving Time legislation in the US

Florida Wants Year-Round Daylight Saving Time – Now What?

Maybe you were excited about the Florida legislature’s bill about Year-Round Daylight Saving Time which was passed and sent to the governor yesterday.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but nothing has changed.

Here is the text of the bill:

If the United States Congress amends 15 U.S.C. s. 260a to authorize states to observe daylight saving time year-round, it is the intent of the Legislature that daylight saving time shall be the year-round standard time of the entire state and all of its political subdivisions.

My contention is that the first word of the bill — “If” — is a real deal-killer.  Does anyone think that Congress is going to do this any time soon?  It’s highly unlikely, in my opinion.

Updated: March 8, 2018 — 8:33 am


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  1. Isn’t it impossible to stay on DST year-round? Sort of like the reason for Leap Years? We can’t fool Mother Nature ; )

  2. What about Washington? Governor Inslee signed the state law and I’ve read that Florida is waiting on the request from Washington. So where does the Washington request stand?

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